Instalar o Magento Commerce

Guia básico para Instalar o Magento Commerce

Tenha em atenção os requisitos para a instalação e funcionamento do software:

Requisitos Magento:

– Linux or another UNIX-compatible operating system (Windows is also supported, but see the Known Issues section below)
– Apache Web Server (1.x or 2.x)
– PHP 5.2.0 or newer, with the following extensions/addons: PDO/MySQL, MySQLi, mcrypt, mhash, simplexml, DOM
– MySQL 4.1.20 or newer
– A Sendmail-compatible Mail Transfer Agent (MTA) – Magento will connect directly to an SMTP server if you don’t have an MTA

We also recommend the use of APC as a bytecode cache for performance improvements. You can find it in the PECL archives here: Other bytecode cache systems are not supported at this time.


* Download the .zip or .tar.gz file from the Magento website and decompress it. download do Magento

* Upload the Magento web files to your web server via FTP

* Create a MySQL database and user/password for Magento (This step varies by hosting provider and is out of the scope of this document. Consult your provider’s support/documentation for instructions on how to do this).

* Ensure that the file magento/var/.htaccess, the directories magento/app/etc, magento/var, and all the directories under magento/media  are writable by the web server. To do so, navigate to the directory with your FTP client. Then locate the function “Change Permissions” or “Change Mode” in your FTP client and select it. Once you find the function, you must set the permissions so the web server can write to this file.

* Use your web browser to surf to the Magento installation wizard. If you’ve uploaded the Magento files to, then the wizard will be located here:

* Once in the wizard, you can configure various system-level settings that are required for Magento to function. Most options will be intelligently guessed for you, but you’re free to override any settings that don’t look right. At the very least, change the database parameters in the first box “Database connection” to match those of the database you set up in Step 3.

* Success! You’ve completed a basic Magento install. You can now visit the administration backend and begin configuring your new online store.

Caso sinta necessidade de colocar as suas dúvidas ou problemas, saiba que não se encontra só.

A par de um forum de apoio à comunidade, o Magento Commerce tem também uma base de conhecimentos.

Nesta base de conhecimento é possível encontrar diversos tópicos que auxiliam a instalação e parametrização desta nova plataforma de comércio electrónico.

Para ajuda a todos os utilizadores ainda é possível encontrar um wiki com diversos artigos, tais como: