Programar para o Magento

Guide to Programming with Magento

É um livro da php architect que fornece toda a informação necessária para a instalação e configuração do Magento Commerce. O livro cobre aspectos sobre o desenvolvimento com esta aplicação de comércio electrónico.

Assuntos abordados no livro:
* Installation and configuration
* Basic understanding of Magento Commerce features and functions
* Overview of front-end and back-end systems
* Dealing with multiple stores
* Accommodating multiple languages & internationalization issues
* Handling Magento modules
* Working with the Magento template system
* Understanding Magento’s EAV database structure
* Made-to-order products
* Adding a rewards or points system
* Integration with a CMS
* Accounting, inventory and order fulfillment and exporting information with XML
* An entire chapter devoted to quick answers to common questions