Uma lista de vários recursos relativos às folhas de estilo.
CSS Técnicas e dicas
10 CSS Tips from a Professional CSS Front-End Architect
15 CSS Properties You Probably Never UseA CSS Crossfader Demo
Attach icons to anything with CSS
Beginner’s guide from a seasoned CSS designer
CSS Advisor beta
CSS Image Text Wrap Tutorial
CSS Navigation Techniques (37 entries)
CSS techniques I use all the time
CSS Techniques Roundup – 20 CSS Tips and Tricks
CSS tips and tricks CSS: Getting Into Good Coding Habits
Erratic Wisdom: 5 Tips for Organizing Your CSS
Little Boxes
Master Stylesheet: The Most Useful CSS Technique
Max Design – Sample CSS Page Layouts
My 5 CSS Tips
Playing Nice with the Other CSS Kids
Showing Hyperlink Cues with CSS
Squeaky Clean CSS
Ten CSS tricks you may not know
Three Column Layouts – css-discuss
Turning a list into a navigation bar
Turning Lists into Trees
Unordered List Rollover Gallery
Web Page Reconstruction with CSS
Yahoo! UI Library: Grids CSS